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17. Schweikert LE, Chappell D, Huang Z, Delpizzo G, Wahi K, Saunders M, Slye V, Naughton LF, Rummelt NI, Bagge LE. 2024, under review. Prior experience with aposematic defense triggers attack bias in a mantid predator (Stagmomantis carolina). Integrative Organismal Biology.


16. Moreno VM,  Schweikert LE. (2024). Visual acuity of the summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) captures spatial information relevant to dynamic camouflage at close range. The Anatomical Record, 1–19. Theme issue: "Sensory World of Vertebrates."


15. Schweikert LE, Bagge LE, Naughton LF, Bolin JR, Wheeler BR, Grace MS, Bracken-Grissom HD, and Johnsen S. (2023). Dynamic light filtering over dermal opsin as a sensory feedback system in fish color change. Nature Communications, 14:4642.


14. Schweikert LE, Thomas KN, Moreno VM, Casaubon A, Golightly C, Bracken-Grissom HD. 2022, Ecological predictors and functional implications of eye size in deep-sea shrimps. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.10: 787315. Theme issue: “Vision in Limited Visibility: Optical Properties, Image Formation, and Evolutionary Adaptations in Attenuating Media.”


13. Fasick JI, Alagrain H, Samuels C, Mahadevan P, Schweikert LE, Naffaa ZJ, Robinson PR. 2021. Spectral Tuning and Deactivation Kinetics of Marine Mammal Melanopsins. PLOS One, 16: e0257436.


12. Mongeau JM, Schweikert LE, Davis, AL, Reichert MS, Kanwal JK. 2021. Multimodal integration across spatiotemporal scales to guide locomotion. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61:842-853.


11. Feller KD, Sharkey CR, McDuffee-Altekruse A, Bracken-Grissom HD, Lord NP, Porter ML, Schweikert LE. 2020. Surf and Turf Vision: Patterns and predictors of visual acuity in compound eye evolution between air and water. Arthropod Structure and Development, 101002.


10. Schweikert LE, Davis A, Johnsen S, Bracken-Grissom H. 2020. Visual perception of light organ patterns in deep-sea shrimps and implications for conspecific recognition. Ecology and Evolution, 00:1-11. *GitHub contribution


9. Caves EM, Schweikert LE, Green PA, Taboada C, Zipple MN, Peters S, Nowicki S, Johnsen S. 2020. Variation in carotenoid-containing retinal oil droplets correlates with variation in perception of carotenoid coloration. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74(93): 1-14.


8. Schweikert LE, Caves EM, Solie SE, Sutton TT, Johnsen S. 2019.Variation in rod spectral sensitivity of fishes is best predicted by habitat and depth. Journal of Fish Biology, 95(1): 179-185. Theme issue: "Fish Sensory Ecology"


7. Schweikert LE, Fitak RR, Caves EM, Sutton TT, Johnsen S. 2018. Spectral sensitivity in ray-finned fishes: diversity, ecology, and shared descent. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2(21): jeb189761. *GitHub contribution


6. Fitak RR, Schweikert LE, Wheeler BR, Ernst DA, Lohmann KJ, Johnsen S. 2018. Near absence of differential gene expression in the retina of rainbow trout after exposure to a magnetic pulse: implications for magnetoreception. Biology Letters, 14(6): 20180209. 


5. Schweikert LE, Fitak RR, Johnsen S. 2018. De novo transcriptomics reveal distinct phototransduction signaling components in the retina and skin of a color-changing vertebrate, the hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus). Journal of Comparative Physiology A,204(5): 475-485. *GitHub contribution  


4. Schweikert LE and Grace MS. 2018. Altered environmental light drives retinal change in the Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) over timescales relevant to marine environmental disturbance. BMC Ecology, 18(1): 1.


3. Schweikert LE and Grace MS. 2017. Spectral sensitivity change may precede habitat shift in the developing retina of the Atlantic tarpon (Megalops atlanticus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 90(5): 553-563.


2. Cronin TW, Fasick J, Schweikert LE, Johnsen S, Kezmoh LJ, Baumgartner MF. 2017. Coping with copepods: do right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) forage visually in dark waters? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 372(1717): 20160067.


1. Schweikert LE, Fasick JI, Grace MS. 2016. Evolutionary loss of cone photoreception in Balaenid whales reveals circuit stability in the mammalian retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 524(14): 2873-2885. 

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